People usually associate poor air quality with outdoor air in crowded cities. However, poor air quality is often even more prevalent indoors. EPA studies show that air pollutants may be 2-5 times more prevalent indoors than outdoors. 

This matters because most people spend roughly 90% of their time indoors. This figure is especially true for schoolchildren, who spend almost seven hours in school each day.

These air pollutants make it more likely for children to get sick, especially as COVID strains still make their rounds. Fortunately, you can improve indoor air quality with MERV-13 commercial air filters. 

MERV-13 air filters combat COVID spreads better than other types of filters. This way, you can keep your students and staff safe throughout the school day. 

If you’re interested in learning more, keep reading! We’ll explore what MERV-13 filters for schools can do in the guide below. 

What are MERV-13 Commercial Air Filters?

You may wonder what makes a MERV-13 air filter better than other filters on the market. The answer lies in in its minimum efficiency reporting values (MERV).

Air filters play a specific role in a facility’s HVAC system. As air circulates through your building, it often brings pollutants from the outdoors with it. Your air filters trap many of these particles and keep them from infiltrating your HVAC system. 

Likewise, your indoor facility often has pollutants in it. These may include people’s hair, dust particles, and pollen that is tracked inside. As air circulates, it lifts these pollutants and carries them through the building. 

Once again, your air filters put a stop to this. However, air filters have different quality levels or minimum efficiency report values. 

Higher MERV levels perform better at purifying your indoor air quality. So, a MERV-13 can filter material better than most lower-level filters. 

MERV-13 Filter vs. HEPA: What are the Differences?

People sometimes wonder if HEPA filters are a better choice than MERV-13 filters. HEPA filters have MERV ratings of 17 or higher, theoretically making them the most efficient filters. 

However, MERV ratings aren’t as simple as “the highest rating is the best.” Filters with higher MERV ratings have smaller pores for air to pass through.

Unfortunately, these pores don’t discriminate. They make it difficult for regular air to circulate as much as they do wayward particles. 

What does this mean for a school or daycare? In short, it means that a HEPA filter could cause their HVAC system to work harder and incur more damage. Instead, a MERV-13 air filter is often the best solution for these facilities. 

MERV-13 Filters for Schools

We’ve explored what a MERV-13 filter is and why it’s the best filter for schools. Now, let’s talk about the benefits these filters can give school buildings. 

Decreasing the Risk of Illness

The first benefit of MERV-13 filters is that they decrease the likelihood of people getting sick in your building. The question is, how can it do this? 

When people sneeze, cough, or breathe, they exhale respiratory droplets into the air. These droplets contain particles that remain in the air even after droplets evaporate. 

Some of these particles are viruses such as the coronavirus. These remain in the air and circulate through your HVAC system. 

That’s where your MERV-13 comes in. These filters can catch small organisms, including viruses ranging from 1 to 5 microns. Once the filter catches these, you don’t have to worry about the disease spreading through the school. 

Lowering Utility Bills

Did you know that improved air quality can lower your utility bills? The harder your HVAC system works to eliminate particles, the more your heating/air bills increase. 

A better air filter lets you decrease the amount of money you spend on HVAC bills. Schools often spend significantly to afford proper air conditioning. Any money you can save can help your school run smoothly. 

MERV-13 Filters for Daycares

MERV-13 filters provide many similar benefits for daycare facilities as for regular schools. For instance, they reduce the likelihood of children getting sick while attending daycare. 

This benefit is tremendous for daycare workers and parents alike. Small children spend much of their time getting sick. Some may even average 7-8 colds annually!

Because children’s immune systems aren’t fully developed, they are at higher risk of getting viruses. Fortunately, a MERV-13 filter can purify their air and keep children safe. 

Improved air quality can help in other ways, too. For instance, most daycare centers have nap time for their students. This period is often a chance for daycare workers to rest as much as it is a time for kids to sleep. 

But did you know that better air quality leads to improvements in sleep? Since the air is cleaner, students can breathe more easily and relax. These freedoms allow them to drift to sleep faster.

How Often Should You Change MERV-13 Commercial Air Filters? 

Getting a MERV-13 air filter is an excellent start to improving your indoor air quality. However, facilities must also replace these filters on an appropriate timeline. So, you ask, how often should you replace your filters?

Usually, experts recommend that people change filters at least once every three months. However, you will receive better filtration if you replace your filters monthly. 

Replacing your filters preserves your HVAC system’s health and improves your air quality. Make sure you stick to a consistent replacement schedule. 

Find Your MERV-13 Filters Today!

As you can see, MERV-13 commercial air filters provide several benefits for schools and daycares. They can keep your students safe from allergens and sicknesses while under your care. Likewise, they can protect your HVAC systems and save money. 

All that’s left is to find the best filters on the market for your facility. If that’s what you want, contact us today!

We offer several air solutions for residential and commercial buildings alike. We also provide face masks with efficient filters to keep individuals safe. So, check out our store to find what you need!